These items are shipped directly from the supplier and can take from 5 to 10 days from the point of order to be delivered to your desired delivery address.
Please Note: At least 1 able bodied person may be required to help with off-loading of the parcel.
Please Note: UK and Ireland shipping only - additional charges may occur but the customer will be contacted before processing.
A starter level junior unit for children aged 3+. Adjustable from 3'6' to 6'
(1.07 to 1.83m). Suitable for youngsters of primary school age.
Ideal for home use
Suitable for play both indoors and outdoors
Height can be adjusted between 3'6' and 6' (1.07 to 1.83m)
Attractive backboard 2' x 1'4' (61 x 41cm)
Ballast requires 24kg dry sand or 15 litres of water
11' (28cm) ring with foam protection suitable for a size 3 basketball
Steel pole with ballast
Simple, easy to move, quick assembly
Black backboard, ring and post with attractive yellow pole
Weight 5.1kg
Sure Shot Junior Walk Basketball System